If you want to your ads to work, I have good news for you.

Finally! You Have Instant Access to A Proven Ad System That Works For Any Budget



(click image below to watch video)

Learn how to set up two ad campaigns in under 3 hours that will always turn profile visitors into quality leads, hot buyers and customers in days.

Save ($50)

You’ve got an offer, a product or service to sell. You need people to buy...but your single biggest challenge is getting your ads to work. If this sounds familiar, read on:

  • You have followed popular advice running ads directly to your sales/offer page, but it didn't work.

  • You spent hours crafting the perfect ad campaign, only to see little or no sales.

  • Your ad keeps costing you more than you're making. After spending tons of money on ads and barely making a profit, you have decided to stop your ads.

  • The thought of making a mistake or wasting your money on ads is holding you back from running ads. So, you rely on organic reach, which is uncertain, making it difficult for you to plan or predict future sales.

If you agree to any of these...you are not alone in these challenges.

Most people are discouraged because it looks like everyone else running ads are doing well and effortlessly making sales while you are struggling.

But here's the truth:

❌ The truth is, the age of setting up any ad campaign on Facebook and seeing money pour in is long gone.

Plus organic reach is at an all time low. ❌

The Pain

Hi I'm Donna Oji,

I started my career in marketing after more than 15 years in the corporate world.

I decided to start my own business.

That is how I entered into the world of marketing especially digital marketing.

When I started my business,

I needed more visibility - people to be aware of what my business does and of course buy my services.

At the time my Instagram account had few followers from organic reach.

Plus I did not have thousands of pounds in ad budget needed to build visibility and trust "overnight".

For this reason, running ads directly to my website or sales page would have wasted my ads budget and I would have ended up frustrated.

So, the question was how can I get more traction, visibility, more awareness, and clients with a "small budget"?

The Turnaround

Using the $5 a day ad strategy together with my profile attraction method, I started increasing my visibility - more and more people where becoming aware of what I do.

The result?

I began to see a steady increase in followers who were genuinely interested in what I had to offer,

I started getting dms from people wanting to work with me.

More importantly, my sales started increasing.

This experience led me to realise that with the right strategy, in my case (combining Instagram ad platform and Facebook ad platorm),

you can reach and convert the right people.

I've been through the ups and downs, faced the challenges, and felt the frustration that you're probably feeling right now.

But I've also seen the other side—the growth,

and most importantly, the revenue



Insider Ads Mastery is for people like you who want to ACTUALLY

get in front of the right people turning them into hot leads, buyers and customers.

Imagine consistently getting more appointments, more quality leads, more traffic to your store, and consistently making sales


Your are reaching more people

Your followers are increasing

Your calendar is filling up

Your email list is growing

You are making more sales

This isn’t just a training where you watch videos and never hear from me again. When you join Insider Ads Mastery, you also gain exclusive access to our live Q&A monthly session.

Insider Ads Mastery, is designed to accelerate your journey from where you are now to where you want to be—in record time.

Insider Ads Mastery is everything you need to:

Access to training and accountability you need to make it happen!

  • TRAINING MODULES so you understand every step of the coaching and launching process

  • ACCOUNTABILITY COACHING in the Facebook group helping you stay motivated, monitoring progress, and giving you tools you need to go from just starting to FINISHING!!!

  • PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY of like-minded business owners to network with, bounce ideas off of, be inspired by, and learn from as you go through the course.

  • TRAINING VIDEOS in each module with short, easy to consume content videos to teach you all you need to know about coaching and launching. These will cover everything from the big picture to mindset to the very specific, step-by-step instructions.

  • PDF'S, TOOLS, & CHECKLISTS in the modules are interactive and key to helping you get clarity and begin implementation so you can move from dream to reality!

are you ready?

  • Insta Ads Mastery Training

  • Office Hours & Community Support

  • Access to Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

  • Insta Pre-Launch Blueprint

  • Insta Audience Targeting Blueprint


SAVE $50

*This offer ends soon

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What exactly will I learn in Insider Ads Mastery?

You will learn how to effectively use Instagram and Facebook ads to drive traffic, retarget your profile visitors, and convert them into customers. This training covers everything from setting up your ad accounts to creating engaging content and optimizing ad spend.

Who can sign up to Insider Ads Mastery?

It is for anyone including entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers, who wants to improve their Instagram and Facebook advertising skills to increase conversions without needing a large budget.

Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes, Insider Ads Mastery training is designed for both beginners and those who have some experience with Instagram and Facebook ads. We start with the basics and gradually move to more advanced techniques.

What makes this training different?

Insider Ads Mastery specifically targets effective strategies for Instagram and Facebook. It teaches you special techniques for these platforms that are not usually covered in general digital marketing courses, especially strategies for turning visitors into buyers.

Do I access Insider Ads Mastery training videos immediately?

Yes. Full access to the training videos and course content will be available to you immediately you enroll. When you sign up for Insider Ads Mastery, you will gain early access to our private Facebook group where you can start engaging right away.

How long does this training take to complete?

Insider Ads Mastery Training is self-paced, so you can complete it at your own convenience. Most participants are able to finish the course within a few hours, depending on their individual schedules.

Will this offer really end soon?

Yes, the price of Insider Ads Mastery will increase soon. By signing up now, you secure access at a significantly reduced price.

Is there help available if I get stuck?

Yes, you'll get plenty of support. We have a private group for students where you can ask questions, plus live monthly Q&A sessions with instructors, and you can always reach out directly for help.

This is for you if...

  • You’ve been running ads without a clear strategy or plan, this training is designed to give you the structure and focus you need.

  • You're not seeing the results you want from your ads, this training will help pinpoint the issues and improve your ad performance.

  • You want to get more out of your ad budget and reduce wasted ad spend, this training will show you how to allocate your ad budget more effectively for better results.

  • You find the various settings and features of ad platforms overwhelming, this training will simplify these options and show you exactly what to use for your goals.

This is not for you if...

  • You're looking for quick fixes or immediate results without putting in the effort, this session might not meet your expectations.

  • You are set in your ways and not willing to adjust or try new approaches based on data and expert advice, this training won’t be effective for you.

  • You are not prepared to invest in ad spend, this training won’t be able to show you the full potential of what structured and targeted advertising can achieve.

  • You not interested in learning and prefer to outsource all your ad management, this might not be the right fit.

Time For Some Tough Love...

Achieving the kind of business growth I’m here to help you with doesn’t happen overnight. It requires careful planning, preparation, and the willingness to implement new strategies.

While there are numerous trainings out there promising all sorts of revenue strategies, after applying various approaches in both my own and my clients’ businesses, I’ve identified targeted Instagram advertising as a great starting point when using ads to grow your business.

The Bottom Line...

I understand the challenges you face when growing your business using ads, and I’ve compiled everything you need into a single, comprehensive training—Insider Ads Mastery.

This training gives you direct access to proven strategies and shortcuts that have been tested and refined through real-world application.

Whether you’re new to ads or looking to improve your existing campaigns, Insider Ads Mastery offers a structured path to mastering Instagram and facebook advertising.

Insider Ads Mastery isn’t just about learning ads—it's about really getting good at using them to make your business better.

Start growing your business more efficiently and effectively with the power of Instagram and facebook ads.

© 2024 EARNINGS DISCLAIMER Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results. This website is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram Inc.

This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.

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